Submission Guidelines

For each laboratory project in this class you will be required to demonstrate a working design at the beginning of the laboratory on the due date (unless it is stated otherwise in the lab write up). Your laboratory report and source code will also be due at this time. The deliverables for each laboratory are the following:

Project materials, including the project report, are to be submitted via email. The report should be sent in PDF format. Send all files to your TA in a single tar file. Organize your tar files using the following conventions:

  1. Project submission file name

    Name your file "lab<number>_<lastname>.tar" or "lab<number>_<lastname>.tar.gz". For instance, lab3_wade.tar.gz shall suffice.

  2. Project submission directory structure

    The tar file should contain a directory named "source" (or "src") containing your project's source files, and a file named "<lastname>.pdf" containing your project report. For example, your tar file should look as follows:
